- 'PoojA' is about a boy asking his sister about incensesticks and lamps used in worshipping the
- 'krupaa tugelee': A few stanzas thanking God for what He has given us.
- 'paachve sukh ' 'nisarg coMvcyAk'and 'varshaavarNan' are in celebration of Nature.
- 'halDuMvyA ujvADAt': what the poet saw in the golden glow yonder a temple...passing fragrance of Parijatak
flowers...soothing devotional music..
- 'pradushaN' and 'dhArAvee': narrate experiences of the crowded ,polluted suburbs of Mumbai viz.Hill Road-Bandra
and Dharavi respectively.
- 'tinne kednA tasshee mhaLLe'and'duradrUSTee' :Something about ladies' concerns.
- 'shabdAMt shaktee Asata' : Preserve your language and use it judiciously.
- 'husko': this poem is about post-nuptial changes in the lives of girls after leaving the carefree days
at the schools.
- 'kajAg bAyalek' : An appeal to a capricious woman by her harassed husband.
- 'AjyAgelee takrAr' : It's a grandfather`s complaint against an eligible bachelor.
- 'jAMvce teMcee jAlle' and 'ghoTalyAcee yAd' : these are based on the events that took place in Mumbai sometime
in the first decade of the twentyfirst century!
- 'tAN niyaMtraN': This poem is about a bank officer who underwent a course on Stress Management.