- The impressions carried home by the poet after attending Konkani Parishad at Kozikode are ensconsed
in the poem 'sAMj"(saanj).
- huDahudatanA : about his childhood in Belgaum..
- 'svAd' : Let us take interest in serving the people from the rural areas .Forget those
bitter memories of our past.
- 'tuMve hoD jAMvkA" : Paternal advice to a young boy who could not make it in his first attempt!
- 'phullM soddatanA' is about the longing felt by a lady about her daughter staying abroad.
- rukkAkpuNee Ammee rAkkuk jAy :The poets laments the invidious changes that have taken place over
the years..especially lack of interest in one`s mother-tongue and heritage.
- bareM gottu Ass: About people seeking votes by promoting dissention among communities.
- dhartareec kednA kopalee : After the havoc caused by the earthquake in Bhuj.
- 'gardee' : Impressions carried after visiting Churchgate Railway Station in Mumbai (India).
- 'dittalo devu' : a hope to be fulfilled through right type of education.
- 'dive lAyyAti' : Light the lamps... of enlightment...hand in hand with friends and relatives...to save our
cultural heritage...to promote education amongst the weaker sections...by shedding bad habits..
- 'guNA parmaLAn' : a tribute to a young artist after being impressed by her dedication to
performing arts.
- Poems such as 'vAvTaL' and 'kaDagaTAree' put in words feelings indicative of the felt moods...
- 'jhagaDe' : this poem was published in the Divali 2006 Issue of the Konkani magazine 'BIMB' (G.S.B.-3,Housing
Board Colony,Post:Alt-Parvari,Alt-Beti,Goa-403521.(India)...email:bimbkonkani@yahoo.co.in.